Redesign, Rebrand, or Redirect Entirely?

What happens when the business you’ve been working so hard to build starts to feel… stale? Or what if you love it, but after all this time it still isn’t making the money you need? How do you know when it’s time to stick it out, and when it’s time to rebrand?

For those of you who have been feeling change looming, or the weight of decisions you’re not sure you’re ready to make, remember you don’t always have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. What if you could take your existing business and remold it into something that really excites you? Business Consultant Paul Zelizer created this simple, fantastic graphic to help identify whether or not you (and your soul) want to rebrand your current business.

[You know it’s time to rebrand] when you are ready for a very different – often more authentic – way of being in your business. Anais Nin said:  “I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.”  Ready for your version of the fierce openness of Danille LaPorte or the radical simplicity of Zen Habits or the edgy spirituality of Dharma Punx?  Conscious rebranding is the best way I know to connect with and share the truly, madly, deeply authentic version of your business. – Paul Zelizer”

Whether you’re solidly on your path and just need a vital tweak or two (or twelve) to shift your biz into the incredible success it wants to be, whether you want to rebrand and move in a new direction, or whether you’re ready for something completely new, this is big stuff to contemplate…so don’t worry if you feel like you’re swimming in ideas, fears, resistance and excitement. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. And let yourself start getting curious about what else might want to happen.

Help! I Can’t Choose Just ONE Idea!

If you need a break from your own thoughts, or want to get ideas from another person’s experience, check out this LIVE example of a Freedomite who reached exactly this point in his journey. Jacob had identified his top 3 talents, but he still couldn’t figure out how to turn any of those into a viable business idea. He had a number of ideas that might work, but he was really stuck on the concept of picking just one idea to start with.

As you will see in the video below, Jacob already owns a successful restaurant with a good income, he only works at his restaurant 4-5 hours/day and the rest of the time he golfs, paints, does bone carvings, etc. But he doesn’t FEEL free. He still feels “caged”. Join Coach Ian and I as we brainstorm his business ideas and launch him into crazy passion!

NOTE: Because this video is almost 90 minutes, I’ve also made just the audio track available for you as a download to your mp3 player, phone, or iPod. The video is mostly of the 3 of us on a Skype call, but there are a few places where I show you the websites and graphics we’re talking about – so it is valuable to see those, but not crucial.

Right-click & Save As… on this link to download the audio file to your device:

About Jini

Jini Patel Thompson has been doing business online since 1995, when she launched one of the first dating websites on the Internet. Her gut health blog and online health store has been serving customers in over 80 different countries since 2002. Jini loves sharing real-life info on how to launch your own biz, or grow your existing business - using fun, integrity and FLOW.