David Ogilvy was one of the first big advertising guys to prove that storytelling (a full page worth of small-font text) sold extremely well. When we think of story-based advertising, we often think of those mile-long internet sales letters, or slick ads in niche-market magazines. But these next two real-life examples show the unmatched power of storytelling even in difficult arenas like art … [Read more...]
How To Generate Organic (Free) Search Engine Traffic
I received this comment from a reader and it's such a good question (one that I wrestled with for a long time before I figured it out) that I wanted to share the answer with all of you: "If you wanted to put all the pieces of the IM puzzle together, what one source would you start with and why? I too have studied all and researched what marketers use such as Screencast for webinars, Infusion, … [Read more...]
Is Stompernet Membership Worth It?
Andy Jenkins - StomperNet CEO The last time Stompernet opened its doors, soliciting for people to join its elite monthly membership program, I signed up. Like most internet marketers today, they used the SCARCITY tactic - if you don't sign up now, we're closing the doors and who knows when you'll be able to get in again? So I joined and if I cancelled within 30 days, they would return my … [Read more...]
The Work-Kids Dilemma
I just finished reading through a bunch of Frank McKinney's websites launching his 3 new books ( biz book, spiritual book, kids book). Then I watched his video compilation of all the tv shows he's been on and his many successes in real estate. And I find myself wondering yet again: How do these people accomplish all this whilst raising children?? Now you can tell me all you want about working … [Read more...]
The Flow of Money
The flow of money is a principle talked about by even the most dogged entrepreneurs. Many top business gurus (like Dan Kennedy and Robert Kiyosaki) advise their clients and readers to donate a percentage of their profits no matter what their financial situation is. Robert Kiyosaki – many of you will recognize him as the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad – talks about when he and his wife … [Read more...]
Tips For Teleseminar Problems
Those of you who utilize teleseminars or teleclasses in your business have no doubt encountered a fair number of glitches and technical problems with the medium. I have to tell you, in the early days, these continual technical glitches drove me crazy. And not just because I'm a "do it right or don't do it" kind of person. No, they particularly bugged me because I used to own a … [Read more...]