Artist Sells $3.5 Million in a Weekend – Why??

This article about a digital artist named Beeple is remarkable for numerous reasons.

Not just because of the amount of money he made and how quickly he made it.

And not just because it illuminates an entirely new economy – one that most of us are not even aware exists.

Reset Button (c) Beeple

Nope. I find this article really remarkable because Mike Winkelmann is living proof of these key principles of success:

  • Beeple (Mike Winkelmann) did everything for the right reasons

  • He did what he loved, even when no one wanted it. And he kept doing it. EVERY SINGLE DAY for 13 YEARS.

  • He did what he needed to do to pay his bills, to keep the pressure OFF his art. So his art could remain pure and real

  • From his images, to his titles, to his language, he is unapologetically authentic

  • His art is stuff he’s interested in and passionate about. It embodies HIM – his politics, his sense of humour, his authentic self-expression, his imagination, his creativity

  • He gave his stuff away for free for over a decade. Much of it is still free. He understood that his giftings don’t take away from his value as an artist. And that they are “valuable as a marketing tool”

  • He didn’t split his art and his business selves. He was aware of marketing, he kept abreast of what was happening in his arena. He was never afraid to try things; to throw stuff out there and see what sticks

  • He was quick to change directions when he realized that what he *thought* was his passion, wasn’t actually his passion and there were people WAY more passionate about that (creating games). So he started following his interests and thus discovered 3D graphics and VJ clips

This is a fabulous article because Mike is so freaking honest about his journey and his process. The points above – my analysis of his journey – are a playbook for Life, Art, Business… SUCCESS.

If you follow this list, mimic his journey, I honestly don’t see how you could possibly fail. It’s brilliant.

About Jini

Jini Patel Thompson has been doing business online since 1995, when she launched one of the first dating websites on the Internet. Her gut health blog and online health store has been serving customers in over 80 different countries since 2002. Jini loves sharing real-life info on how to launch your own biz, or grow your existing business - using fun, integrity and FLOW.